June 16, 2011

New job! FINALLY!

So I finally got a bartending job! I'll be starting work at DiNolfo's Banquets, which is literally just down the street from my house, this Saturday. I'm super excited and so nervous I could puke, but you have to start somewhere, right? I'm probably going to be really slow at first and nervous but I'm hoping to make a good impression and I have to brush up a little bit on the basic drinks and stuff. I will probably be carrying my note cards in my purse just in case and I have to go out and buy a new pair of black dress pants and a white tux shirt and a black bowtie and black vest. The manager said it would be fine to just wear a white shirt and black tie the first night, so that's what I'm going to do. I also need a good pair of comfortable black shoes, like tennis shoes or gym shoes. Gotta spend money to make money, I suppose.

My parents also just got back from their trip to Europe today. I've been watching the house and the dog. Got a lecture about having people over... Which is pretty much bullshit, considering I am 22 years old, not 16. Stupid shit, blabbermouth sister... Whatever. I should be happy damnit. With some luck and savings, I want to be able to move out this coming winter into an apartment in DeKalb, even if I do have to live by myself until George's lease is up on the house. I will start applying for internships and design jobs after I graduate, but for now, bartending it is. I'm still deciding whether or not to go do my masters right away or to wait... I'm a little torn on the matter.

Regardless, for now, I have a job, I'll have some semblance of cash flow, and I will be able to be a little more independent. How my sister was married and already pregnant at my age really throws me. I mean, I still feel barely like an adult. I played hide and seek with my friends for my birthday for fucks sake. Maybe it's just my generation but I totally don't understand how people could marry so young or even think about kids.That isn't to say that I don't know what I want out of my life. I personally hate kids, which no one seems to understand and says I'll 'outgrow it'... Um, weren't you pregnant at my age? Didn't you 'know' what you wanted? The lectures really have to stop, seriously. I may be young, but I still am an adult, even if I sometimes don't act like it or still want to act like a kid. I'm enjoying my life and not growing up too fast.

I went on a rant... I apologize. I'm going to go take some cold meds and watch some tv since I can't sleep.

May 18, 2011

I graduated bartending school!

Woot! Bar tending, here I come! I passed the test with flying colors (probably because he didn't actually grade them so much as glance at them and remember how well we did over the past week but I know I would have gotten at least a 95% despite that) and I got my certificate on Monday! I am going for my final class tonight to get certified officially by learning about how to spot a fake ID and all the legalities of it. I'm excited to actually start working and as soon as I get home from NIU this weekend, I am going to literally just drive around in circles around Lockport, Lemont, Homer Glen, Orland Park, and New Lenox, walking in an applying where I can or applying online. I will probably just start applying online over the weekend as well as putting in my application for job help through ABC bartending.

On the art work front, I am working on ICMAD to submit by July and also I wanted to start a series of tree prints. I've noticed how different trees look lately and I wanted to do a set on the silhouettes and also the leaves (probably doing them separately) in all black probably on grey paper. I have a thing for dark grey lately, so I have to go hunting for some nice paper to print on. I also need to get a job so I can save up and get some more screens and some better hing clamps. Mine suck. There are also a number of books I wanted to buy. Money money money... Sigh. Well, here's hoping I get a job! Fingers crossed! X ^.^ X

May 10, 2011

So, I didn't die.

Yeah, so I didn't die during the final week of school. Yay! I passes all my classes, I got through a lot of shit that had to be dealt with, I organized my work and my life a little and I started bar tending school. Yay again!

Ok, so basically my life is going to be pretty lax for the next few months. I am hoping on getting a bartending job right after I finish with my 2 week bartending school at a restaurant or a banquet hall, so it will be less hectic then working at a real bar. I also am going to be working on my print making over the summer and going to try to make the decision of what I want to study in graduate school: Printmaking or Graphic Design. I love them both and I would excel at both, it's just really a matter of what is more practical to take and what I would really like to focus on. I will be a graphic designer by trade but print making is something I fell into and got really interested in, so I'm torn.

Also over the summer, I am starting my absolute, change-my-life weight loss plan. I really need to, for health reasons more then just vanity. I honestly wouldn't mind being the same weight I was in highschool, which was not skinny but curvy and fit. I would ideally be happy if I could fit into this beautiful green gown I own from my sophomore year of high school that I never got to wear when I was my ideal weight. I am pretty tired of being out of breath and achy all the time and my back is starting to hurt from the weight, so I'm not going to wait until I can't even move to try to do something about it. Starting tomorrow, I am going on pills (yeah yeah, don't preach to me), and exercising with my sister, and cutting out junk food (for the most part). I figure that by the time I graduate in December, I can be at my good weight and be on my way to my ideal weight. Wish me luck!

Hopefully this doesn't happen to me.

Pull Up Fail Gif - Pull Up Fail
see more Gifs

April 4, 2011


My Work is Never Done Gif - My work is never done
see more Gifs

Ok, so I am literally running around like a fucking chicken with it's head cut off! I'm panicking a little and freaking out and so busy I have no idea how I am going to be able to handle it.

So this week: I have school today until 4pm then an hour train ride home where I will go straight from the train station to Frankfort where I start bartending classes tonight (monday) at 6pm and it goes until 10pm. When I get home I have to go prep my screen so it can cure over night.

Tuesday: School until 1pm then I have to run up to Dekalb to drop off Georgie's power charger and help him with issues with his cat then drive back down, go to bartending school, go home, do prints.

Wednesday: School until 4pm again then bartending school then going home to do last minute prep for the art fair

Thursday: Classes until 1pm, set up for the art fair, stay until 4ish, go to bartending school, go home and or finish printing if I haven't by then

Friday: Get up at 8, go to school, sell at art fair until 3pm, go home for like an hour, bartending school then pass out dead.

Saturday: Pass out dead.

Sunday: Pass out dead, then Art History paper, then figure out what I am doing for sculpture.

I'm fairly confident I am going to die by the end of this week. I really didn't plan out starting my bar tending school appropriately. Maybe I should call and reschedule when I start... It would literally save me from dieing this week... It runs for 4 FREAKIN' HOURS! That's INSANE! I am EXHAUSTED as it is, let alone adding on another 20 hours of studying and work every week, even if it IS for only 2 weeks. I dunno, I'm conflicted. ::Sigh:: Wish me luck.

So I decided to take the not-dieing route and rescheduled my bartending classes. I'll be starting those in May after school ends. This has relieved my stress CONSIDERABLY. Also, I am doing my first prints today when I get home. Wish me luck! Hopefully the emulsion turned out alright and I'll be able to get going. I'm hoping to have at least 2 sets done and my business cards before Thursday. I might get away with being able to do 3 sets by Friday. We'll see how today goes and if it goes well. I really am hoping I don't screw it up this time around. ::crosses fingers::

March 9, 2011

So, news and jazz

So, in the past two weeks, I have been through a little bit of hell and back. On the down side, I have lost my pet frog to a terrible infection, my sister stole my purse and my favorite bag for her brat of a child without so much as a "oh, sorry", I am pretty sure I am failing two classes, I do not understand anything going on in my web design class, and I began to question if I even wanted to do design.

On the upside, I realized that I really do love design and am looking forward to being able to create my own things when my time frees up a little bit, my boyfriend is awesome, my parents were very compassionate and understanding about the death of my little frog, I am finally getting help with my classes, and I am stealing back my bag tonight, damnit. Also, I found yummy granola.

I am feeling creative but a little overwhelmed. I have too much I have to do and too much I want to do and it's overwhelming. I have a little time right now, so I have to start work on the cover design for Abstraction, though I'm not sure if I really want to pursue that. It just is so disorganized and I feel almost ridiculous with how unprofessional this whole thing is. Eh, it'll look good on a resume... Then I have another website I have to create, which I am nervous about since I don't understand Dreamweaver at ALL. Tutoring would help a great deal, so I have to find someone. I also have a presentation, an artist journal, and an essay due in Art History which I could give a damn about. I will do it only because it's a required class but, as my friend said, it is so hard to do anything for a class when you just don't give a shit about it.And a still have that god damned wire fish to finish. I hope it burns in a fucking fire after I turn it in.

That's about it for the school portion of my work. I have an idea for a cool text image rendered traditionally but I am going to have to wait until at least the weekend to work on it. I also have to do some research on what I want to do for the ICMAD project, and since I am doing it independently from a class, I can take my sweet ass time with it. YAY! I have to call about to come friends too and see if I can get my photo shoot going. I am kind of doubtful it is going to happen though... It's more likely to happen over summer when EVERYONE is home and I can easily phone people up.

I have a busy month ahead and it's already half over without me even realizing it. Time to buckle down, I think, and get some real work done like a mother fucking ADULT.

February 17, 2011

Ever have one of those days?

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing is wrong and nothing bad happens but nothing good happens either so you feel down without knowing why? I've been stuck in a whole week of those for some reason. It's been just such a bleh week. Nothing is really going on, nothing seems to get done, and all I want to do is sleep. I don't know why I've been so depressed but I feel like I'm bringing down everyone else around me and I don't like that feeling.

Today was particularly bad... I woke up with a feeling of dread, I trudged to school, I sat in class and zoned, then felt like lead for the rest of the day. In sculpture it took me almost two hours to make a rectangle mold out of clay when it would take me a half an hour on a (an? 'an usual' sounds weird to me) usual day. It just felt like I was trying to mold steel with my hands and I felt very weak and tired, so unfocused and dazed, that I just couldn't get it right. I guess I didn't get in trouble only because Bobby Joe said he felt the same way, which made me realize how many other people were feeling the same way. It was like a cloud of 'meh' had settled over our city and was making tempers short, happiness feel grey, emotions ultra sensitive, and work seem like a monumental task.

I really hope the haze breaks soon, I'm afraid it might lead to a breaking point for me. I really can't handle another one so soon after the last. Here's to hoping the weekend will give me time to rest and regroup so I can snap out of it.

February 5, 2011

I just...

REALLY fucking love this guy! It's like if Misha Goro ever got SUPER rich. I like to imagine this is what he would be like.

Tiny Giraffe Gif - Tiny Giraffe
see more Gifs

Also, on a slightly more serious note, this is super awesome too. I love the design of it. It's very interesting. 

see more Gifs

February 2, 2011

I survived!

I survived Blizzard 2011! Woohoo!

We had 22 inches here in Homer Glen with drifts well over 6 feet deep. We couldn't even open our back door onto the balcony this morning. We spent a good 4 hours shoveling/snow blowing the driveway and 2 balconies so we would be able to get up before spring. It was INSANE! The dog loved it though, so that's good. He dug himself a tunnel from one side of the yard to the other and kept popping up out of the snow like this fox:

 It was hilarious to watch. Too bad I was too busy shoveling to get my camera out. I'm going to probably get him doing it again tomorrow though, so pictures will be a must. Hope everyone got through the crazy THUNDERSNOW alright last night! Our lights kept flickering and it was pretty scary. Lucky we didn't lose power. Alright, going to go drink some hot tea and enjoy being inside. 

January 26, 2011

New Idea

Ok, so, I came up with this new idea for my portfolio. I am still focusing on the sexual nature of people but in a more specialized area. I want to focus on Dominance and Submission. My work from the past reflects my interest in this already, so I figured that I might as well continue with this string. I have always been fascinated and captivated by the whole aura of dominance and submission. I love the art it produces because of the emotions and the amount of tension in each piece. Aside from the content, the feel of each piece is always so commanding and forward, so provocative, that it's hard to ignore.

I am going to have a lot of fun with this. I am still going to use my original idea of sexuality as a whole, so using both gay and straight partners, multiple partners, and I'm going to try to portray internal struggles too. I want to turn out at least 10 pieces with this theme and I believe that will be no problem now that I have so many idea swirling in my head.

In other news, I have one of the greatest friends and teachers in the world. Ms. Jaime O'Connor and her husband have given me the privilege to use their photography studio to work on my portfolio. I told Jaime about my lack of resources and how I can't afford to do high-end photography that would look best for my work, so she made me a deal. I can use their studio in exchange for helping her husband create his new website and business cards. You have no idea how excited I am about this! Now it's just my job to find some models for me and I believe I can get about 3 for sure. I need some help though, so if anyone wants to volunteer or knows someone who would be willing to work for free/food, then I would be SO GRATEFUL!

Alright, time to get crackin' on my ideas and turn out a few pieces of digital design work as well as the fetish work so I can have a little variety.

January 19, 2011

Trying to climb a glass wall or finally getting a foothold?

Funny Animated Gifs - I think I can I think I can
see more Gifs
So, I realize I am probably one of the most lazy people on the planet, and I have come to accept this. My procrastination has always been spawned from my hatred of doing homework, which inevitably is why I am not an A-B student. It isn't that I am not intelligent or that I don't understand the content (excluding the bane of existence: math) it's just that I hate doing pointless amounts of paperwork or tedious assignments when I already understand the subject matter.

For example, I could easily get an A in history, but I often get Bs or Cs because I find that wasting time writing out answers to questions already covered in class outside of a test is just tedious filler work that eats up my time of doing something fun or more important (like watching all 6 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer). On the other hand, I do realize that I should try to be productive by doing things that I both enjoy and that I can use in my professional life.

On that note, I am signing up this weekend to bartending school so I can get certified and start working to save up money to move out by the time I graduate in the winter of next year. I am also going to go sometime next week to apply for some internships (probably unpaid and once a week) just so I get my foot in the door for my REAL profession. I have always wanted to bartend on the side though, so I will have fun making this my part-time job and cash cow until I can get on my own two feet in the design world. I am also going to the hardware  store today to get a cheap pressure washer so I can start doing some decent print work in my studio at home.

I also need to go to Chicago Screenprinting to get some supplies because that damn Yudo machine shit is too expensive and I know I can get screens and silk screen chemicals for cheap there. I just have to find the time to go and maybe drag someone with me because I am always terrified to go to new places alone since I have the tendency to get lost and panic the first time I go. Maybe I will drag George... Hmm...

I guess the whole point of this post is to say that although I probably will never stop procrastinating, that doesn't mean I won't get things done. I just like to do them at my own pace. So, time to act like a mother fucking adult and get stuff done!

...After today.

January 11, 2011

New Semester

So, break is over and I have started a new semester. I just got back from the southern Caribbean cruise my parents so generously paid for me and my sister to take, It was pretty awesome, I must say, despite my sister being a bitch and just wanting to lay out and drink. I personally would have liked to see more of the islands and gone into town a little more, but you know, whatever. I will go back one day with someone much more fun, like George. Regardless, I had fun and now am back at school.

I really needed my break, it helped sooooo much. I was freaking out with panic by the end of last semester, and have recovered nicely into calm, rational me again. I have my new schedule and I am pleased with it, except for one little problem. I am conflicted about dropping a class or not. If I drop it, I can go home at 1pm every Tuesday and Thursday after my two studio classes. If I don't drop it, I will have one more class out of the way but have to sit through a 3 1/2 hour gap. I am going to talk to my dad I think, because it's really something I not sure about. I have to figure it out by Thursday. Any suggestions?

Anyway, here are some pictures from my trip.