October 26, 2010


I love Halloween and am very excited about it! This is the first year I have been able to go out for it, aside from friend's houses, so we are celebrating by going out to the goth club Neo in uptown Chicago. I am being a pirate this year. I found an old coat of mine in the basement and my mom is helping me embroider it with gold trim and sewing lace into the cuffs She is also making me a ruffly lace blouse, so all I actually had to buy was a pirate hat, a sword, and boots (which I was meaning to buy to wear all season anyway!) so I pretty much as just wearing all my own clothes. I really do like that better then buying a costume mostly for comfort reasons and also because real clothes just look so much nicer and neater. I am going to curl all my hair up and pin it under the hat then do bright red lips, gold and black eye makeup, and paint my nails gold. I think I will also carry chocolate gold coins with me. 

On a more somber note, I lost one of my red eyed tree frogs the other day. Nirro, the male, had always been very thin and fragile and I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I found him dead in the plant when I got home from a weekend away. I think it may have been a freak occurrence or maybe he had stopped eating but I know he lived a good life and he lived for at least 3 years. I miss him but I will take good care of the female, Midori and maybe get another froggie to keep her company. I buried him out in my yard by a lovely tree that reminded me of his bright green and red colors. RIP, little buddy.

October 12, 2010


This sums up how I pretty much feel today and probably will for the rest of the week.
Going to Work on Monday Morning Gif Going to Work on Monday Morning
see more Gifs

October 7, 2010

Had a better week

So, after salvaging the weekend by going to NIU and hanging out with the best boyfriend ever and then best boys in the world, I had a much more enjoyable weekend. In turn, I had an enjoyable week. I got most of my work done, I got to relax and I got to have a little fun at Anime club making candy sushi. I just need to get my $45 dollars back from Mr. Thomas for the club funds and I will be a happy camper. Good week, so let's hope it continues on to the weekend.