May 16, 2010

Really hate my body

Well... ACEN is wrapping up today. Too bad I missed it for the sixth year in a row... That mysterious illness turned into a raging fever that prompted an emergency room visit in the middle of the night with my panicked mother, then led to body aches of excruciating proportions and then topped it off with painful sores in my mouth, on my hands, and on my feet. Yeah... Great way to spend the weekend.

I did, however, find out what I have thanks to George, who is the master of random knowledge, which is a relief. HFMD is a very common viral infection caused from contact with unclean surfaces/person-to-person contact. It's very common in little kids and teens, though adults can contract it too, but they tend to show less symptoms. I probably got it while in a store or from one of my sisters' grubby kids, who might have been carrying it from school. I am, however, a very clean person myself, so wash my hands constantly, so any friends I might have seen are at a minuscule risk, and the only person I've been kissing is George, but he doesn't seem to have it, so he might be immune already.

I am pretty much in quarantine until this blows over. I've probably had it since last Wednesday or so, which means I have a couple more days to wait it out until I am no longer a threat to be around. Meaning, in short, I am going to be very bored and very lonely until the middle of the week, if not until the weekend. I'm a little disappointed about missing ACEN, mostly because I wanted so badly to hang out with my friends but really, I haven't been since 2002, so I don't miss it like someone who has been going every year would miss it. I would have liked to go on Saturday but that is when the worst of the illness came up and I was just too weak to go. I didn't even get to do my Plan B and play Vampire with my boys!

Oh well... I guess I can just catch up on some artwork I've been wanting to do and some anime I've been meaning to watch (I've been through Chobits, xxxHolic, and K-On! already this week.) When I get better, I'll throw that Gundam party I've been meaning to have and will make up for this week of Hell. Yeah, that sounds pretty nice...

May 12, 2010


Well, it's officially 3 days until ACEN. After a hellish week of worrying I wouldn't have a costume, I managed to throw one together that actually looks pretty good! I'm proud of my spontaneity in coming up with a solution for my problem. It isn't perfect by any means but it is all in good fun, so I don't really care. I'll probably only wear it on Saturday anyway because it is SO hot. I am going as Momo Hinamori from Bleach, and my impromptu shinigami uniform consists of 2 karate gees which I am in the process of modifying and some karate pants with a white sash. Nothing too crazy but it sure is better then paying over $100 dollars for some cheap crap off the internet.

I am trying to find a room to crash in, which will more likely then not end up being Quin's as I will probably be roaring drunk with her and her friends so will end up crashing with them. I will ask her tonight when I got visit her at the mall to pick up the last few things I need. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends who I haven't seen for a while, since they were all down in Savannah, GA for the past week and a half. I miss them. Dani is still cosplaying with me and if Quin's room doesn't work out, she is going to take me in. I feel like a hobo, going from room to room. lol

In other news, I hope I will be able to even attend ACEN as I suddenly came down with a mysterious illness in the middle of the night which is making me worried about going this weekend. The last thing I need is another combo sinus infection/ ear ache like I has during finals week of school. This round of illness was terrible pain in my leg joints (might be over strained from exercising), body racking shivers, night sweats, and a weird sore throat that also feels like an allergic reaction to something. ::sigh:: Why me? Well, if I do end up having to stay home due to illness, I will probably spend it with my buddies Nate and Dan, and of course, Georgie. Maybe we will start Vampire this weekend if I can't go. It is my plan B.

May 3, 2010

Tough choices...

After a full week of racking my brain and weighing some heavy options, I have made the hard decision to not go to summer school. In the long run, I might regret this, but for financial reasons and to save some of my dad's sanity, I'm going to take the summer to take a break from all those ungodly expensive payments and focus on my own projects, resting my frazzled mind, and saving up some money for myself to maybe get that apartment come September.

It was a really hard decision and I know what it means in the end: I won't graduate in Spring '11. However, I know that I won't be alone and that I will have a few stray friends of my year to walk with me in those horrible red gowns. I will graduate, and I will be the first in my family to get a diploma, I'm just going to do it a tiny bit later then expected. An extra semester isn't the end of the world, after all. In the meantime, summer is here and I am going to enjoy it, damn it.

ACEN is coming up, meaning I need to get my costume together and also go buy a pretty dress to go to the Friday prom in. I am looking forward to seeing all my friends there and for all my other friends to come home from their schools so we can all be together again. I will enjoy this summer and I am going to live it up, and fuck it, I will worry about school again in 4 months.

Hello again Summer, may I have this dance?