November 24, 2010

Turkey Day and other stuff

Well, it's almost time for national turkey genocide day. Traditionally, my family makes dinner, usually at my house or at one of my sisters' houses. This year is different, though! This year, my mom and dad have decided that we do not need the amount of food Thanksgiving generally generates, so they decided that instead of the mess and hassle, we are going out to a fancy restaurant so we can all get something we like to eat and not have all the leftovers that end up getting throw away anyway. I'm quite pleased with the idea, actually, but my oldest sister is not. She is the sort of person that most normal people want to smack because she has the habit of ignoring problems for the sake of things being 'pleasant' so you can image how distraught her was when she found out that there will be no 'family bonding' and 'traditional dinner' for Thanksgiving. My middle sister is all for it, because then we don't have to deal with her ex-in-laws, who happen to be my oldest sister's in-laws too. See, this is the problem when a set of siblings marry another set of siblings. I'm just happy because I get to be done with this usually brutal holiday where all my family does is fight and someone always ends up in tears (usually me). Boyfriend will be with his family, separately, just like every year. I am glad for our agreement.

On another note, I saw HP:DH. I was SO fucking happy with it, despite it being the most depressing piece of film I have seen in ages! I liked it even better then the book. It was just so compelling and you could really see the growth of the actors in this film compared to the first. I will be so sad when it is over, no to mention bawling my fucking eyes out when I lose my mind when Fred dies. My friend Quin and I already have agreement to bring flasks and a box of tissues. We will need it when we lose it and start crying uncontrollably.

On yet another note, we are nearing the end of the semester and I am a little scared of my math grade. I have no idea what is going on in this class and I think I am going to have to sit down and ask him to help me so I can boost my grade with the final. Crossing my fingers! I am confident in my other classes, so I think I will be fine with those. For my personal work, I am determined to finish my Supernatural series by winter break and am going to start work on my own website as well as redesigning my dad's website. I really need to start making portfolio pieces for myself to bulk up my portfolio so I am going to do yet another version of my corporate identity as well as redesign the Pandora poster, and redo some other projects and maybe get to work on some ideas for screen printing work. Yay, I have a plan!

November 15, 2010


So, I believe I have finally figured out what it is that I want to do with my artistic career. I've always been under the impression that I would find my focus later, once I had learned all the ropes and gotten some 'real life' experience through my first job, which I realize now is just plain stupid. It was pointed out to me that my first job, no matter where I work or who I work for, is going to suck primarily because I will not be doing my own work or anything I even find interesting. Now is the time to do something for me, to make my portfolio interesting and to focus on my art as an expression of my interests and self.

I was always rather concerned that my work was never very coherent and that I never really had anything to put into a portfolio, but I figured it would come to me in time. And now it has and I have never felt so relieved. I've narrowed down my interests and have come to realize that I am very interested in the sexual connotation of people and all the different forms that this can take. I think I will be able to show through various forms of graphic design the raw, basic nature of human sexuality by creating works involving different views of people's sexual nature from the bizarre to the traditionally conservative. It really all comes down to a single idea that everybody, at their core, is a sexual creature, and that we express our sexuality in different forms all depending on personality, sexual orientation, culture, and lifestyle.

What I want to do is use graphic design elements, such as print making, screen printing, typography, photography, literature, sculpture, and even music to showcase some of the different forms of this basic human need. I feel like there are so many forms this can take that I will be able to create many pieces that look and feel different but are all linked together by the same premise to form a coherent whole. I think this is a very important step for me and this idea will showcase the kind of work I can do as well as an interesting, edgy idea which other people will find interesting as well.

Now all I need to is a come up with a few concepts to get me started and get my hands on some equipment. I am going to go ahead and take a photography class at my local community college and I think I am going to continue with my sculpture through the Academy so I can get back into the swing of it and maybe create some beautiful portfolio work through that as well. I really want to get my hands on some basic, even crappy, print making materials too. I found a cool set online that I think might be a Christmas present if I ask now and I will be able to start making my own prints at home, even if they aren't perfect, which I kind of like the idea of anyway. If nothing else, I will take advantage of the school's print making materials and get Misha to help me start assembling.

For once, I am actually glad for my extra semester here at the Academy because I feel like it's an unexpected blessing for me, as it took me a long time to find my focus and now I will have time to work on it before I have to start applying to masters programs. Right now, I am relieved. Yay me!

November 8, 2010