September 30, 2010

So, my bubble has burst.

funny animated gif

For the record, I hate everything. Everything. This has been literally one of the worst weeks of my life and it seems to be getting progressively worse. One, I didn't finish 2 projects and 1 paper. Two, I got into a fucking huge fight with my parents, whom I live with still and have no money to move away from, Three, I got a fucking speeding ticket and a no insurance citation literally 20 yards from my destination and got my license taken away. I will not have it until November.  I have no motivation to finish/do anything, I have no job and no time to get one really except weekends but no where is hiring JUST weekends, so this is nearly impossible. I have no money of my own and have to literally beg for the money for my necessities that my parents promised they would provide me if I went to college. I get screamed at constantly for things that I haven't done or don't do or would never do. I get screamed at for not being home, I get screamed at for being home. I even get screamed at for things they they themselves have done but need to blame on someone else. Guess who?

You know what sounds good right now? Being away from home for a few days at least, with a bottle of vodka, a lot of sleep, and someone who actually gives a shit about me. Oh hey, NIU, here I come!

September 27, 2010


Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow, I will hand in my project for Misha, I will turn in my Art and Activism paper, I will start my Lord of the Flies paper, I will give my presentation on S&M, Furries, and Steampunk, and I will run Anime club with an iron fistful of pocky. Yes. Tomorrow is the day.

Today, on the other hand, I am going to scramble to finish said presentations, project, and papers. Yay for procrastination! Also, I should think about stopping for some pocky at the store before anime club tomorrow... Maybe. Onward to homework!

September 20, 2010

Busy busy

So, I finally have all this anime club shit figured out. We are official, people! We will be starting on Tuesday the 28th of September with meeting at 4:15pm-6pm in the library. My new Vice Pres is Miss Danielle Romero and I still need a little more staff. Whew.

In other news, I am starting to actually pay attention to my portfolio. I didn't place in ICMAD but I was a finalist, so I'm happy for that and I can put it on my resume: Two years running, WOOT! I am fixing up my project for Advertising and turning it in on Wednesday. I have 2 papers due this week, one is done and the other is untouched, so that is another thing. Then I am finishing my week with a bar crawl on Friday, a Zelda party on Saturday, and detoxing on Sunday. Busy busy week.

I will posting my finished Ad poster(s) probably at the end of the week. Hopefully...

September 13, 2010

So, as I figured...

So, as I figured, the summer blog thing failed. On the up side, I had a fantastic, stress free summer with lots of friends and fun. I ended up really enjoying myself and taking the time to relax, spending time with my boyfriend a lot and celebrated being 21. I didn't do a whole lot of art this summer, but I did get inspired quite a bit, so my creativity jump started back up about mid August. I watched a whole mess of anime, went to some interesting places, lazed by the pool, so in all, it was pretty fantastic.

I am now back in school and liking it so far. I have 4 classes and the schedules are ridiculous, but at least consistent. I have found I'm much more confident this year then previous ones and I enjoy my work because I know now that I really am good at what I do. I also know that I can do just about anything anyone can throw at me. Except maybe lift a hippo, but you know, that isn't in my job description.

I've also been promoted to President of the anime club due to various circumstances. I am going to try and make it as simple as possible, back to basics as it were. We tried to do too much last year and I think we got overwhelmed, so I'm going to have it be pretty much cut and dry, which always seemed to work out best. I also need to pick new staff and find people willing to work. I really need a vice... I'm thinking Ms. Dani because even if she can't attend, she is super reliable and full of good ideas.

I doubt I will be able to get a job but I'm tempted to get one for the weekends. I feel the need for a little pocket money and I really don't like asking my parents for it. I'm going to try and look around a little in the next week or so for it. In the meantime, I will be working on projects for school as well as my own. I would like to finish my Myths painting series which I've been neglecting. I also would like to acquired a screen printing kit but that might have to wait for a little while, as they are pretty freakin' expensive.

I'm not sure how this blog is going to turn out, knowing me it will probably be neglected again for a few months, but I am going to try. It'll give me a nice place to rant and rave if nothing else.