March 9, 2011

So, news and jazz

So, in the past two weeks, I have been through a little bit of hell and back. On the down side, I have lost my pet frog to a terrible infection, my sister stole my purse and my favorite bag for her brat of a child without so much as a "oh, sorry", I am pretty sure I am failing two classes, I do not understand anything going on in my web design class, and I began to question if I even wanted to do design.

On the upside, I realized that I really do love design and am looking forward to being able to create my own things when my time frees up a little bit, my boyfriend is awesome, my parents were very compassionate and understanding about the death of my little frog, I am finally getting help with my classes, and I am stealing back my bag tonight, damnit. Also, I found yummy granola.

I am feeling creative but a little overwhelmed. I have too much I have to do and too much I want to do and it's overwhelming. I have a little time right now, so I have to start work on the cover design for Abstraction, though I'm not sure if I really want to pursue that. It just is so disorganized and I feel almost ridiculous with how unprofessional this whole thing is. Eh, it'll look good on a resume... Then I have another website I have to create, which I am nervous about since I don't understand Dreamweaver at ALL. Tutoring would help a great deal, so I have to find someone. I also have a presentation, an artist journal, and an essay due in Art History which I could give a damn about. I will do it only because it's a required class but, as my friend said, it is so hard to do anything for a class when you just don't give a shit about it.And a still have that god damned wire fish to finish. I hope it burns in a fucking fire after I turn it in.

That's about it for the school portion of my work. I have an idea for a cool text image rendered traditionally but I am going to have to wait until at least the weekend to work on it. I also have to do some research on what I want to do for the ICMAD project, and since I am doing it independently from a class, I can take my sweet ass time with it. YAY! I have to call about to come friends too and see if I can get my photo shoot going. I am kind of doubtful it is going to happen though... It's more likely to happen over summer when EVERYONE is home and I can easily phone people up.

I have a busy month ahead and it's already half over without me even realizing it. Time to buckle down, I think, and get some real work done like a mother fucking ADULT.