December 20, 2010


Hey Theres Dancing Santa Gif - Hey Theres Dancing Santa
see more Gifs

So, this is how I feel this week. I am obscenely excited for the holidays, even though I literally have NO shopping done (this is not a problem. I have a plan... And another plan... And another is that one fails too) and I still have one final to go but still, I am positively giddy with joy. I don't think I have ever been this excited about winter break in many many years. I mean, don't get me wrong, they are always a relief but this year it is just going to be FUN. I am going to have a fucking BLAST on the cruise with my sister and have a shit ton of fun with my friends too.

Tomorrow is my last day of the semester and I am super excited. I am going to end of a happy note and not bother to worry about anything over the next three weeks. I am going to strive to relax, enjoy myself, and maybe even let my creative juices flow. So yay! Winter break! WOOHOO!

December 8, 2010


funny pictures-meh.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

So, this describes how I've been feeling lately with frightening accuracy. We are nearing the end of the semester and I am just running out of steam. I'm not terribly stressed or anything, just tired all the time and keep falling asleep at odd hours and at school. I just prey to any gods that I don't have something like Mono. That would just suck balls... As far as my art goes, I have a bunch of ideas swirling up in my head but I haven't had the time or energy to actually put them down into anything concrete yet. I have started my final projects in all of my classes and I've even started setting up a proper studio space in the basement for me to work in but none of my own creative work yet. I have been sketching though, which is good.

I think I am going to start really getting into screen printing again. I have a lot of good ideas I would love to see executed but it will take a little time to get some stuff together. I finally got my screen printing machine for almost half price on Black Friday, which is nice, but I still need at least 2 or 3 more frames, more ink, emulsion and remover chemicals, and I have to set up a space or drying, fanning, etc. I think I will manage to get everything set up in the studio over winter break and then I will begin working. Maybe I will even get some nice pieces done before next semester starts.

On a happier note, I am taking a trip to Jamaica on the 2nd of January with my sister. I haven't been to the Caribbean since I was 13, so I am pretty excited. It will be a great way to start off the new year. I was hoping to maybe get a nice camera for Christmas but I can always wait for my birthday or maybe save up on my own and cut a deal for my Dad to pay for half or something. I think a vacation is just what I need and that will make one kick ass Christmas present for sure.

December 2, 2010


Manatee Squash Gif - Manatee Squash
see more Gifs

That is all.

November 24, 2010

Turkey Day and other stuff

Well, it's almost time for national turkey genocide day. Traditionally, my family makes dinner, usually at my house or at one of my sisters' houses. This year is different, though! This year, my mom and dad have decided that we do not need the amount of food Thanksgiving generally generates, so they decided that instead of the mess and hassle, we are going out to a fancy restaurant so we can all get something we like to eat and not have all the leftovers that end up getting throw away anyway. I'm quite pleased with the idea, actually, but my oldest sister is not. She is the sort of person that most normal people want to smack because she has the habit of ignoring problems for the sake of things being 'pleasant' so you can image how distraught her was when she found out that there will be no 'family bonding' and 'traditional dinner' for Thanksgiving. My middle sister is all for it, because then we don't have to deal with her ex-in-laws, who happen to be my oldest sister's in-laws too. See, this is the problem when a set of siblings marry another set of siblings. I'm just happy because I get to be done with this usually brutal holiday where all my family does is fight and someone always ends up in tears (usually me). Boyfriend will be with his family, separately, just like every year. I am glad for our agreement.

On another note, I saw HP:DH. I was SO fucking happy with it, despite it being the most depressing piece of film I have seen in ages! I liked it even better then the book. It was just so compelling and you could really see the growth of the actors in this film compared to the first. I will be so sad when it is over, no to mention bawling my fucking eyes out when I lose my mind when Fred dies. My friend Quin and I already have agreement to bring flasks and a box of tissues. We will need it when we lose it and start crying uncontrollably.

On yet another note, we are nearing the end of the semester and I am a little scared of my math grade. I have no idea what is going on in this class and I think I am going to have to sit down and ask him to help me so I can boost my grade with the final. Crossing my fingers! I am confident in my other classes, so I think I will be fine with those. For my personal work, I am determined to finish my Supernatural series by winter break and am going to start work on my own website as well as redesigning my dad's website. I really need to start making portfolio pieces for myself to bulk up my portfolio so I am going to do yet another version of my corporate identity as well as redesign the Pandora poster, and redo some other projects and maybe get to work on some ideas for screen printing work. Yay, I have a plan!

November 15, 2010


So, I believe I have finally figured out what it is that I want to do with my artistic career. I've always been under the impression that I would find my focus later, once I had learned all the ropes and gotten some 'real life' experience through my first job, which I realize now is just plain stupid. It was pointed out to me that my first job, no matter where I work or who I work for, is going to suck primarily because I will not be doing my own work or anything I even find interesting. Now is the time to do something for me, to make my portfolio interesting and to focus on my art as an expression of my interests and self.

I was always rather concerned that my work was never very coherent and that I never really had anything to put into a portfolio, but I figured it would come to me in time. And now it has and I have never felt so relieved. I've narrowed down my interests and have come to realize that I am very interested in the sexual connotation of people and all the different forms that this can take. I think I will be able to show through various forms of graphic design the raw, basic nature of human sexuality by creating works involving different views of people's sexual nature from the bizarre to the traditionally conservative. It really all comes down to a single idea that everybody, at their core, is a sexual creature, and that we express our sexuality in different forms all depending on personality, sexual orientation, culture, and lifestyle.

What I want to do is use graphic design elements, such as print making, screen printing, typography, photography, literature, sculpture, and even music to showcase some of the different forms of this basic human need. I feel like there are so many forms this can take that I will be able to create many pieces that look and feel different but are all linked together by the same premise to form a coherent whole. I think this is a very important step for me and this idea will showcase the kind of work I can do as well as an interesting, edgy idea which other people will find interesting as well.

Now all I need to is a come up with a few concepts to get me started and get my hands on some equipment. I am going to go ahead and take a photography class at my local community college and I think I am going to continue with my sculpture through the Academy so I can get back into the swing of it and maybe create some beautiful portfolio work through that as well. I really want to get my hands on some basic, even crappy, print making materials too. I found a cool set online that I think might be a Christmas present if I ask now and I will be able to start making my own prints at home, even if they aren't perfect, which I kind of like the idea of anyway. If nothing else, I will take advantage of the school's print making materials and get Misha to help me start assembling.

For once, I am actually glad for my extra semester here at the Academy because I feel like it's an unexpected blessing for me, as it took me a long time to find my focus and now I will have time to work on it before I have to start applying to masters programs. Right now, I am relieved. Yay me!

November 8, 2010

October 26, 2010


I love Halloween and am very excited about it! This is the first year I have been able to go out for it, aside from friend's houses, so we are celebrating by going out to the goth club Neo in uptown Chicago. I am being a pirate this year. I found an old coat of mine in the basement and my mom is helping me embroider it with gold trim and sewing lace into the cuffs She is also making me a ruffly lace blouse, so all I actually had to buy was a pirate hat, a sword, and boots (which I was meaning to buy to wear all season anyway!) so I pretty much as just wearing all my own clothes. I really do like that better then buying a costume mostly for comfort reasons and also because real clothes just look so much nicer and neater. I am going to curl all my hair up and pin it under the hat then do bright red lips, gold and black eye makeup, and paint my nails gold. I think I will also carry chocolate gold coins with me. 

On a more somber note, I lost one of my red eyed tree frogs the other day. Nirro, the male, had always been very thin and fragile and I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I found him dead in the plant when I got home from a weekend away. I think it may have been a freak occurrence or maybe he had stopped eating but I know he lived a good life and he lived for at least 3 years. I miss him but I will take good care of the female, Midori and maybe get another froggie to keep her company. I buried him out in my yard by a lovely tree that reminded me of his bright green and red colors. RIP, little buddy.

October 12, 2010


This sums up how I pretty much feel today and probably will for the rest of the week.
Going to Work on Monday Morning Gif Going to Work on Monday Morning
see more Gifs

October 7, 2010

Had a better week

So, after salvaging the weekend by going to NIU and hanging out with the best boyfriend ever and then best boys in the world, I had a much more enjoyable weekend. In turn, I had an enjoyable week. I got most of my work done, I got to relax and I got to have a little fun at Anime club making candy sushi. I just need to get my $45 dollars back from Mr. Thomas for the club funds and I will be a happy camper. Good week, so let's hope it continues on to the weekend.

September 30, 2010

So, my bubble has burst.

funny animated gif

For the record, I hate everything. Everything. This has been literally one of the worst weeks of my life and it seems to be getting progressively worse. One, I didn't finish 2 projects and 1 paper. Two, I got into a fucking huge fight with my parents, whom I live with still and have no money to move away from, Three, I got a fucking speeding ticket and a no insurance citation literally 20 yards from my destination and got my license taken away. I will not have it until November.  I have no motivation to finish/do anything, I have no job and no time to get one really except weekends but no where is hiring JUST weekends, so this is nearly impossible. I have no money of my own and have to literally beg for the money for my necessities that my parents promised they would provide me if I went to college. I get screamed at constantly for things that I haven't done or don't do or would never do. I get screamed at for not being home, I get screamed at for being home. I even get screamed at for things they they themselves have done but need to blame on someone else. Guess who?

You know what sounds good right now? Being away from home for a few days at least, with a bottle of vodka, a lot of sleep, and someone who actually gives a shit about me. Oh hey, NIU, here I come!

September 27, 2010


Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow, I will hand in my project for Misha, I will turn in my Art and Activism paper, I will start my Lord of the Flies paper, I will give my presentation on S&M, Furries, and Steampunk, and I will run Anime club with an iron fistful of pocky. Yes. Tomorrow is the day.

Today, on the other hand, I am going to scramble to finish said presentations, project, and papers. Yay for procrastination! Also, I should think about stopping for some pocky at the store before anime club tomorrow... Maybe. Onward to homework!

September 20, 2010

Busy busy

So, I finally have all this anime club shit figured out. We are official, people! We will be starting on Tuesday the 28th of September with meeting at 4:15pm-6pm in the library. My new Vice Pres is Miss Danielle Romero and I still need a little more staff. Whew.

In other news, I am starting to actually pay attention to my portfolio. I didn't place in ICMAD but I was a finalist, so I'm happy for that and I can put it on my resume: Two years running, WOOT! I am fixing up my project for Advertising and turning it in on Wednesday. I have 2 papers due this week, one is done and the other is untouched, so that is another thing. Then I am finishing my week with a bar crawl on Friday, a Zelda party on Saturday, and detoxing on Sunday. Busy busy week.

I will posting my finished Ad poster(s) probably at the end of the week. Hopefully...

September 13, 2010

So, as I figured...

So, as I figured, the summer blog thing failed. On the up side, I had a fantastic, stress free summer with lots of friends and fun. I ended up really enjoying myself and taking the time to relax, spending time with my boyfriend a lot and celebrated being 21. I didn't do a whole lot of art this summer, but I did get inspired quite a bit, so my creativity jump started back up about mid August. I watched a whole mess of anime, went to some interesting places, lazed by the pool, so in all, it was pretty fantastic.

I am now back in school and liking it so far. I have 4 classes and the schedules are ridiculous, but at least consistent. I have found I'm much more confident this year then previous ones and I enjoy my work because I know now that I really am good at what I do. I also know that I can do just about anything anyone can throw at me. Except maybe lift a hippo, but you know, that isn't in my job description.

I've also been promoted to President of the anime club due to various circumstances. I am going to try and make it as simple as possible, back to basics as it were. We tried to do too much last year and I think we got overwhelmed, so I'm going to have it be pretty much cut and dry, which always seemed to work out best. I also need to pick new staff and find people willing to work. I really need a vice... I'm thinking Ms. Dani because even if she can't attend, she is super reliable and full of good ideas.

I doubt I will be able to get a job but I'm tempted to get one for the weekends. I feel the need for a little pocket money and I really don't like asking my parents for it. I'm going to try and look around a little in the next week or so for it. In the meantime, I will be working on projects for school as well as my own. I would like to finish my Myths painting series which I've been neglecting. I also would like to acquired a screen printing kit but that might have to wait for a little while, as they are pretty freakin' expensive.

I'm not sure how this blog is going to turn out, knowing me it will probably be neglected again for a few months, but I am going to try. It'll give me a nice place to rant and rave if nothing else.

June 2, 2010

Got a job interview!

Well, tomorrow at noon I have a job interview for a financial company in Palatine. According to the lady who called me, I might have the opportunity to make this a full-time career option after I graduate, which would be great until I get my Grad. I'm really excited, despite how far away it is. It will give me the opportunity to get out of my house and earn some money for myself. Also, it will give me some insight on how a real business works, which will help when I want to start my own design firm. Hopefully I will get to employ some of the things I am majoring in, but even if I don't, it is money and I do need it.

On the other hand, Jess warned me that it is pretty stressful and all commission work. Now, this isn't TOO bad, but we'll see how I feel about that when I actually begin working there. I am going to check it out and proceed with caution. If anything, I can take the job and quit after I get excepted to another job I have lined up with an old folks home as a server for over the summer. It's quick cash and fair work, so I think I will do fine with either job. I just have to wait for the other call and then I can decide. I've also applied to Party City and Petco and a few other places. We'll see if the job fairy is with me.

May 16, 2010

Really hate my body

Well... ACEN is wrapping up today. Too bad I missed it for the sixth year in a row... That mysterious illness turned into a raging fever that prompted an emergency room visit in the middle of the night with my panicked mother, then led to body aches of excruciating proportions and then topped it off with painful sores in my mouth, on my hands, and on my feet. Yeah... Great way to spend the weekend.

I did, however, find out what I have thanks to George, who is the master of random knowledge, which is a relief. HFMD is a very common viral infection caused from contact with unclean surfaces/person-to-person contact. It's very common in little kids and teens, though adults can contract it too, but they tend to show less symptoms. I probably got it while in a store or from one of my sisters' grubby kids, who might have been carrying it from school. I am, however, a very clean person myself, so wash my hands constantly, so any friends I might have seen are at a minuscule risk, and the only person I've been kissing is George, but he doesn't seem to have it, so he might be immune already.

I am pretty much in quarantine until this blows over. I've probably had it since last Wednesday or so, which means I have a couple more days to wait it out until I am no longer a threat to be around. Meaning, in short, I am going to be very bored and very lonely until the middle of the week, if not until the weekend. I'm a little disappointed about missing ACEN, mostly because I wanted so badly to hang out with my friends but really, I haven't been since 2002, so I don't miss it like someone who has been going every year would miss it. I would have liked to go on Saturday but that is when the worst of the illness came up and I was just too weak to go. I didn't even get to do my Plan B and play Vampire with my boys!

Oh well... I guess I can just catch up on some artwork I've been wanting to do and some anime I've been meaning to watch (I've been through Chobits, xxxHolic, and K-On! already this week.) When I get better, I'll throw that Gundam party I've been meaning to have and will make up for this week of Hell. Yeah, that sounds pretty nice...

May 12, 2010


Well, it's officially 3 days until ACEN. After a hellish week of worrying I wouldn't have a costume, I managed to throw one together that actually looks pretty good! I'm proud of my spontaneity in coming up with a solution for my problem. It isn't perfect by any means but it is all in good fun, so I don't really care. I'll probably only wear it on Saturday anyway because it is SO hot. I am going as Momo Hinamori from Bleach, and my impromptu shinigami uniform consists of 2 karate gees which I am in the process of modifying and some karate pants with a white sash. Nothing too crazy but it sure is better then paying over $100 dollars for some cheap crap off the internet.

I am trying to find a room to crash in, which will more likely then not end up being Quin's as I will probably be roaring drunk with her and her friends so will end up crashing with them. I will ask her tonight when I got visit her at the mall to pick up the last few things I need. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends who I haven't seen for a while, since they were all down in Savannah, GA for the past week and a half. I miss them. Dani is still cosplaying with me and if Quin's room doesn't work out, she is going to take me in. I feel like a hobo, going from room to room. lol

In other news, I hope I will be able to even attend ACEN as I suddenly came down with a mysterious illness in the middle of the night which is making me worried about going this weekend. The last thing I need is another combo sinus infection/ ear ache like I has during finals week of school. This round of illness was terrible pain in my leg joints (might be over strained from exercising), body racking shivers, night sweats, and a weird sore throat that also feels like an allergic reaction to something. ::sigh:: Why me? Well, if I do end up having to stay home due to illness, I will probably spend it with my buddies Nate and Dan, and of course, Georgie. Maybe we will start Vampire this weekend if I can't go. It is my plan B.

May 3, 2010

Tough choices...

After a full week of racking my brain and weighing some heavy options, I have made the hard decision to not go to summer school. In the long run, I might regret this, but for financial reasons and to save some of my dad's sanity, I'm going to take the summer to take a break from all those ungodly expensive payments and focus on my own projects, resting my frazzled mind, and saving up some money for myself to maybe get that apartment come September.

It was a really hard decision and I know what it means in the end: I won't graduate in Spring '11. However, I know that I won't be alone and that I will have a few stray friends of my year to walk with me in those horrible red gowns. I will graduate, and I will be the first in my family to get a diploma, I'm just going to do it a tiny bit later then expected. An extra semester isn't the end of the world, after all. In the meantime, summer is here and I am going to enjoy it, damn it.

ACEN is coming up, meaning I need to get my costume together and also go buy a pretty dress to go to the Friday prom in. I am looking forward to seeing all my friends there and for all my other friends to come home from their schools so we can all be together again. I will enjoy this summer and I am going to live it up, and fuck it, I will worry about school again in 4 months.

Hello again Summer, may I have this dance?

April 25, 2010

Ok, so, I lied... I'm not posting any photos this weekend, mostly because I haven't gotten around to charging my camera and taking the pictures. Considering I have to start assembling my portfolio, I will get around to doing that soon, I just have to reassemble all the boxes/packages in nice, heavy, card stock so they stay up.

I also have to still figure out my summer school situation and my financial situation. On that note, I am really really hopeful in moving out by the end of the summer with my boyfriend and friend. In reality, I am an adult (despite how I may act and what my parents may say), and as such, I feel it's really time to get out. I need my space, I need to grow up a little, and mostly, I need to stop getting yelled at like I'm still in high school for coming home late.

Anyway, I'm going to go talk to my brother in law and my boyfriend's sister about getting loans and talk about getting my shit together.

April 21, 2010

Blogging... What a weird thing...

You know, blogging has always been a strange thing to me... I never understood it's purpose or why people followed them so religiously. I never really cared about them, and to be frank, don't much care for them in general, however, I do find myself having to write down my thoughts and put my ideas down in concrete words more and more lately. So, that's why I'm making this blog, if only to have it be a place to rant and rave to myself about things that bother me, that I love, that I hate, that I can't live without, or can't wait to rid the world of. I think this blog will be about ideas and events going on with me (not very interesting, but it will keep my mind a little more focused) and probably about the art I do.

And I do love my art, though design may not be everyone's cup of tea. I think I will start by posting some pictures of the pieces I completed this semester. I'll do this when I charge my camera an get some photos of them. Likely over the weekend. At any rate. here we go, time to sink those fangs in, bury those claws, and hang on. It's bloggin' time, bitch!